Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Clouds and Sunshine

X-posted from my livejournal

The clouds being things like my ear still feels like its got water in it..... (and I went thru the antibiotic and the ear drops I got in China)...AND the fact that both Georgia and Thom thought 4:30AM was an excellent time to wake up. Thom I get, because he's never been a great sleeper and the fact he went to bed around 7pm.

Georgia, on the other hand stayed up until 10pm courtesy of the nap she took earlier in the day.... and she has been a better sleeper (around 8-10 hours a night). So either its still jetlag/China time still to blame-- or the fact that Royce got up around then to take his shower. (Although as I think on it, that might not be I've run a bath for myself after he and both kids are in bed asleep.)

Sunshine tidbits: Georgia nodding or shaking her head in response to a question I've asked her in English. So while she isn't speaking much other than some babytalk mandarin and the occassional words in English ("Yay", "Uh Oh", a garbled "kih-he ga" [kittycat], "No", "mao" [meyow], "muhr" [more]) she is definitely understanding quite a bit.

She also has demonstrated her considerable intelligence by picking up a few sign language words already: more, cracker mostly...and sometimes she will imitate "baby" and "cat" from a board book we have "My First Baby Signs".

And last but not least: she indicated she wanted up in my lap...usually this is to be held for a few seconds before getting down and scurrying off to the next activity...but she snuggled in for a min or so, then pressed her face to mine, lips closed and went "Mmmppp" (giving me kisses).

Mommy puddle of goo time! It pretty well makes up for the 4:30am wakeup!


Bubbs said...

Just checking in to see how your newest addition is doing. :) Hope all is going well with Georgia.

Kay Bratt said...

I LOVE the name, Georgia...How sweet is that? I stumbled across your blog while cruising for good news on Gotcha Days. She is a cutie.

Laura said...

I just caught up with your blog and I'm so glad things are going well. Georgia is such a sweet little girl, I look forward to hearing more about all of you and seeing more pictures!

MysticSpirit said...

I guess I missed this update. :O) Very cute! So ... what's been happening since last we read your blog?