Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 9

There it is, the infamous red couch photo of our kids in their traditional chinese clothing. Our group had one boy and two older girls..and I think all of the kids look adorable, but boy was it hard to keep them all still so we eager parents could take their picture.

There is a closeup of little miss Georgia. She loves to suck the pointer finder on her hand.

After the photo mom, Georgia and I walked around for a little to do some last minute shopping... we also got lunch... and there we discovered that Georgia likes peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches. She ate a whole one all by herself - meaning we cut it up and gave it to her ad she consumed the whole thing. .) I don't know if its a sensory thing or what..but if she gets too much of something in her mouth, she spits it out... hence mom and I cutting things into tiny bites and cotrolling how much she gets at any one time.

Little Miss has also taken to acting her age when mom sets limits -- ie throwing a very vocal (screaming) temper tantrum. But so far I have been able to keep playing it cool -- telling her that I love her and that she is fine. She actually gets over her hissies fairly quiickly.. I think part of it stems from her age..and part is frustration over the language barrier.

After lunch we met the group to take the busride to the consulate. There we took the oath and received an immigration packet and a visa for our child's entry into the US. I was under the impression there was some sort of interview -- but it wasnt like any sort of interview I imagined... oh well.

Then when we got back to the hotel, our guide Kelly went with me to the third floor of the White Swan so I could go to the doctor. A day or two ago, I had taken little miss G swimming in the pool...and got her to giggling by falling (deliberately) backwards into the water and coming up blowing bubbles. Unfortunately for me, somewhere around that time I also got water in my left ear and rapidly developed swimmers ear/ear infection. Yeah..the day before we are due to spend most of our time flying in aircraft, subject to various levels of air pressure. Brilliant, eh?

The doctor gave me some drops...and started me on an antibiotic momt had been smart enough to get HER doctor to prescribe pre-trip as a just in case. Thank goodness she did...

at any rate, its after 11pm china time as I write this in the dark... tommorrow morning mom, Geeorgia and I make the flight from Guangzhou to Beijing, then Beijing to Dulles. Royce will meet us at the airport along with his sister Rae. Since we aren't getting in until a bit after 7pm, and Thomas usually is asleep between 7-8pm, our good friend Steve will watch Thomas at our house. I really appreciate he is willing to do that for us.

Not sure if I'll be able to write in this or not until after we get home.. I hope both our flights are uneventful!


AeronwyDiobhell said...

AWESOME picture!! *cheers* That's really sweet that the one older girl was holding on to one of the younger ones like that. Too funny that they're all in red except that one in purple. :-)

How American, to already like PB&J! *giggles* I'd guess the hissy fits are age, language barrier, and so VERY many changes to her life in such a short time.

YIKES! I hope the ear drops work quickly to get rid of your infection. That is going to huuuurt otherwise. *comfort*

I hope the flight home tomorrow is smooth and easy! (Definitely too late to suggest it now, but I hope you have coloring books and crayons or QUIET toys to give to Georgia to play with. That's going to be one very, very long flight for a rambuctious 2 year to endure. -- If you see this, maybe pick stuff up at the airport, if you didn't on some of the shopping trips.)

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It was great getting to read all this!

(And wow, I'm the first one here today! *dance*)

Lisa said...

I wish you a safe and boring flight.

I hope you continue to keep us updated about Georgia's new life with you.

MysticSpirit said...

Looks like she's sucking on her thumb to me. :O)) It's a comfort thing. When kids are feeling a little unsure ... a little insecure ... they do that whole "security blanket" thing. If they don't have a blankie ... they start sucking on things. But all the kids look very nice in their traditional garments. I bet those older kids are very happy about being adopted. :O))

Oh dear ... I'm sorry to hear about your ear infection. :O(( Hopefully, you'll be okay with the changes in pressure when you guys fly home!

WOOT! And I still can't get over the fact that you guys are basically in my neck of the woods. :OD)) Anyway, I hope Georgia is okay on the flight. I'm sending you good thoughts and good vibes in hopes of an uneventful flight back and on problems coming through customs or whatever you come through for an international flight.

I can't wait to read your next update ... when you're back on US soil!

Unknown said...

Welcome home...a little early. Hope to get to meet Miss Georgia soon!!

kimbalaya said...

Here's to safe travels, an easily entertained (or sleeping!) child, and a quickly healing ear!

Kristen said...

I had so much fun reading about your trip and sharing your excitement with you! So are you going to be landing at 7pm local time on the 10th, or the 9th? So with you're still in the air, or already home. Good luck readjusting and getting Georgia acclimated and all that fun stuff. I'm so happy for you! And that is a great photo of all the kids on the red coach. Cool tradition. =)

EO said...

I'm so excited for you! I pray the plane ride goes smoothy! Did the Benadryl work? I hope it was a good ride for everyone. Welcome home little Georgia :)