Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday July 5

Today we left Nanjing to fly to Guangzhou. Here we will do the babies' medical exams, apply for visas, etc because the American consulate is in Guangzhou.

This is the famous (or infamous) White Swan hotel. I think sometimes its known by another name, the "White Stork" hotel since its the hotel of choice of many American groups adopting in China. The American consulate used to be right down the road from the White Swan, but I believe it moved off Shamian Island..but it is still rather convenient. It also has a kid-friendly playroom sponsored by Matel -- not that I've found that yet...msybe tommorrow.

Our room is on the 11th floor. I think I saw buttons for 28 floors in the elevator.
Its a very nice room...and I have to say the airconditioning is the best (coldest) we've had in any of the hotels we've stayed in. And the ice is made from purified water, so its safe. (Tap water isn't safe to drink in China unless its boiled, so most of the time the ice isn't safe either.) Not to mention that for the most part, the Chinese don't seem to DO ice like we Americans...and they aren't big on to have both seems like heaven to this spoiled person. lol

This waterfall is actually inside the White Swan itself. Just too cool, I think.

This was the view outside of our hotel room. I believe the river is named the Pearl River.

After taking a brief walking tour of the island, and spotting some local shops I have read about in other adopting parents adoption blogs, we ate dinner at Lucy's which is known for having good prices and a decent selection of american food... Mom got a cheeseburger and fries, while I got something grilled and we got Georgia something from the baby menu -- noodles and egg soup. People might laugh, but I swear I've got a chinese girl who dislikes rice.... she prefers noodles.

After we got back to the hotel, I gave Ms G a bath, and this time washed her hair... and she is in bed once more I'm writing in the dark. Its almost impossible to do any typing with her's just so busy and into everything. Well, she IS two. ;)

Tommorrow: a bit of sightseeing at another temple, I believe.


MysticSpirit said...

Yay for the terrible twos! ;O)) That hotel looks heavenly ... and that's a really neat waterfall. :O)

Kristen said...

Gorgeous waterfall! Thank you so much for all these pictures and the lesson on Chinese history, culture, and its people. I never knew all that. =)

AeronwyDiobhell said...

So how did Georgia do with flying for the first time? Yay for A/C -AND- ice! *cheers* And that waterfall/garden is beautiful. That's so cool... it likes like most American cities and yet it doesn't. The rooflines of the smaller buildings are different and it gives a whole different feel to the familiar. And congratulations on another successful bath. ;-)