Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday July 2

Today our group went to a temple of Confucius. And even though it is called a "temple", it's not a place of worship. Confucianism isn't a religion... more of a philosophy of thought and living. Confucius was a thinker and social philosopher.

This is the view coming into the temple area.

A statue of Confucius. There were also statues of some of his more famous students. Inside the temple we saw many panels detailing the life of Confucius.

We were also treated to a demonstration of bronze(?) and brick(?) bells...and some classical music from the time of Confucius, as well as a traditional folk song from Nanjing, it really was quite beautiful to listen to. Mu Georgia Grace took to the touring like a champ - since we were smart enough to buy a stroller in Walmart yesterday...she really enjoyed being pushed around..and carried...and even walking about on her own two feet.

We got an opportunity to do some shopping.. the shopkeepers do enjoy bartering.. Mom and I weren't terribly comfortable doing that...even though we know perfectly well it is expected and part of the culture. I had inteded to do zero shopping, but ended up trying my hand at bargaining for a rather cheap toy that made Georgia giggle. I probably got fleeced, but at least I did try to bargain a little. (The toy stopped working in the hotel..but I'm saving it in my suitcase... maybe Uncle Dave can try his hand at fixing it for our girl. If not, its not a big super-big loss.

We were told to meet each other at the KFC. (Yup, they have KFC in China... I've also seen Burger King, McDonald's and Pizza Hut to name a few others). Anyway, earlier in the day, Veronica had given us a laminated card written in Chinese characters, telling what we were doing with these Chinese children...people might ask, and it was an easy way to explain since most of us speak little to no Mandarin.... and some of the people we met might have little to no English.

And at one point a gentleman did ask, and when I handed him the card, he read it then looked at Georgia...looked at me -- grinned and gave a "thumbs up" sign. It really made me feel good. To be honest, our group did attract a lot of attention, but as far as I could see, none of it was hostile. We got quite a few smiles... The Chinese people really love their children and it shows. (There are other reasons for abandonment besides wanting a boy, but that could be another long, separate post.

After the temple tour, it was back to the hotel... the afternoon and evening were "free"...Georgia was clearly exhausted despite a catnap on the bus. But boy, did she get ticked at me when I pulled the curtains, darkened the lights and tried to get her to nap. Ticked or not, she did give in and ended up sleeping for 2hrs! Amd after she woke up, she was so fine. I think each day we are seeing her blossom a bit doesn't seem like its been "only" 48-72 hours since we got her. Had you told me on Monday I would get as many grins and giggles as I've gotten so far, I'm not sure I would have believed you.

I was also able to give our girl her first bath with us... I kept my swimsuit on and got into the tub with her...and after an initial squawk of protest, she was fine... more fine than I would have given her credit for since she was purported to not like baths.

Its almost quarter after 9 in the evening, but she has been playing nicely and is still going strong...probably because of the nap. I'm going to let her play for a bit more before I probably tick her off by suggesting its bedtime. (LOL)

Tommorrow: one other family and mom, Georgia and I are going to visit the Yangzhou orphanage -- Georgia's home for the first two years of her life. I think we are also going to get an opportunity to visit her finding spot (or as close as we can.)


Lisa said...

I'm so glad she's becoming herself with you.

MysticSpirit said...

What's a "finding spot"? Was she abandoned somewhere? :O(( But that's great that she's blossoming. That's really neat that the Chinese people realize that other nationalities are eager to adopt their children. :O))

austin said...

i am so glad to have someone in my family that is chinese and tell booboo or should i say no no that i love her and to be safe and same to you tracy

ps: margo miss you and so do i

austin said...

georgia is so cute

austin said...

booboo is very mad

austin said...

this is so cool to see no no/ booboo to be very tried on the great wall of china

ddustin said...

It is so great to follow along with you on your Journey, I know your time writing on the blog is limited and I am sure you are tired. Georgia is a beautiful lucky little girl. Tell your Mom hello for me.

Kristen said...

Yes, you were definitely smart to get a stroller or you would have been dragging! I'm glad she's feeling more comfortable with you than before.

AeronwyDiobhell said...

The places you're seeing and learning about are so amazing. And it'll be great when Georgia is older to tell her you've seen them too. But you should definitely save up money to take a family trip to China when she's older. *nods*

Ooo, definitely a good call on the stroller purchase! I'm glad she enjoyed it all. :-D

I remember when I was in Israel, it took me a while to get used to bargaining for things. Of course, I was there for 8 weeks, so by the end of it, I was an old pro, but at the beginning, WHEW! I think I had a tattoo on my forehead that said "Sucker" or something. ;-)

That is so cool that guy gave you a thumbs up like that. Definitely had to feel good!

Not wanting to nap? Yup, sounds like a typical toddler. *snickers* Perhaps having mom in there with her helped? Not knowing what laws and customs are like in China, the counselors might not have been able to sit in the tub with her and having you in there was comforting.

Good luck with the orphanage visit. I hope she doesn't think she's going back again though!