Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Polite Ear-chewing, it gets answers

Even though I wanted to rant and holler, I limited myself to a bit of teary-frustration in my voice as I spoke with people...and this is what I found out:

Basically, we were told stuff completely bass-ackwards. We were supposed to send the certificate of adoption form, the check to vital records and the DHR form to the HOWARD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT for it to be put with our file. Then once we had our court date and adoption hearing they would issue a Maryland birth certificate and THEN the division of vital records would issue the certificate of adoption.

I spoke with the supervisor of the adoption clerk.... related the whole story to her and she is going to mail us another DHR form since I had mailed (as i was TOLD to) the first one to the address on the form. We have the certificate of adoption form that vital records returned to us, along with our check which is still once we get the new DHR form, we sent it, the check, and the other form to the circuit court...where it will be put with our file and THEN once the master's office reviews it we should get a court date unless they need more info.

So let this be a lesson to folks readopting: always keep a log of who you spoke to (I recommend full names), and time, date and exactly what was said. I kept a partial log only because I (niavely) trusted I was being told the correct thing. Hahahaha.

I just hope this was the worst and hopefully only bump in this readoption road.


Bubbs said...

Keep your chin up. In a few years, you will look back and laugh at this little speed bump. All will go well. (((hugs)))

EtoilesdeChine said...


I'm Kathy, from Paris un France. I've just been refered with a 2 years old from Yangzhou CWI.
I've read on your blog you visited this orphanage with your daughter.
Do you have some photographies ?
My daughter 's name is Zang Zhu Yan
Thank to email me to